
“Don’t love sleep, or you will become poor;open your eyes, and you’ll have enough to eat.” (Proverbs 20:13 CSB) We all have been given the gift of time, a chance to make something great of ourselves. To impact and influence the lives of people around us. Yet many of us want to complain, “we don’t have time.” Time is short; it […]


Girls (moms) wanna have fun! YES, it is ok for us to have fun, to schedule time away from the kids, house, husband, and chores once in a while.  Time to regroup and recharge is desperately needed yet often overlooked. Getting away from the endless demands of motherhood, even for just two hours, can make us feel like a whole […]

Be Kind

Being a wife and a mom has its challenges, but the truth is we are our own worst enemy. We have set a “perfect mom” bar of expectation that is impossible to attain. How many of us have ever said this at the end of a long and frustrating day? “Ugh, I failed again… it was takeout for dinner again […]

Love Challenge

Hello, Mamas,  Welcome to February, the month of Love. With valentine’s day fast approaching, so many people are trying to plan something special to show their loved ones how much they mean. From a box of chocolates and stuffed animals to flowers and romantic dinner, there are many ways to show or receive this gift of Love.  Although Valentine’s day […]

Let’s Be Real

Barrier #2 Welcome back, ladies.  Last week we talked about breaking the barrier of time.  Time is a constant problem we all face; there is always something to do and never enough time.  Well, after last week, you should have discovered you’re why, set days and times for physical activities, and protect that time with your “NO.” Learning not to […]