You’re Gross

Have you ever heard someone say, “we will never get married once you tie the knot; your love life is dead.”? I have. I also remember feeling the same way at one time. One day I looked at my husband from across the house and felt he was a roommate and not my spouse.  I had no idea how it […]

Let’s Be Real

Barrier #2 Welcome back, ladies.  Last week we talked about breaking the barrier of time.  Time is a constant problem we all face; there is always something to do and never enough time.  Well, after last week, you should have discovered you’re why, set days and times for physical activities, and protect that time with your “NO.” Learning not to […]

Breaking Barriers

Week 1 Ladies, Last week, we talked about barriers we face when creating healthy lifestyle changes. Here is a brief list of the barriers that we mentioned Time Unrealistic goals Support Convenience Ambivalence Over the next five weeks, I will go over quick ways to break these barriers one at a time.  Please know that each person is different and […]

She Fired The Moon

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 ~NKJV Can you imagine the power we would walk in if we truly believed that the God of the universe is in us and is greater than the problems of this world? What […]

Rest Day

When people think of the term “rest day,” they often think of their well-needed day off from a vigorous workout or training schedule.  Although that is accurate, this mama takes rest day to another level.  In my book Interrupted, I refer to us moms as “super moms, running on super mom strength,” But every super mom needs a home base team to operate […]