
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” ~Isa 40:31 This scripture has been a song in my heart for a few months now. The thing that has stuck out to me is the word wait. […]


 I never really thought much about the role of a teacher until I would help grade papers or enter grades. However, over the last two years, I have watched as the “role” of a teacher grow in responsibilities and expectations as we walk through the ever-changing challenges of a worldwide pandemic. The Bible has established the standard for a good […]

You’re Gross

Have you ever heard someone say, “we will never get married once you tie the knot; your love life is dead.”? I have. I also remember feeling the same way at one time. One day I looked at my husband from across the house and felt he was a roommate and not my spouse.  I had no idea how it […]

Train Feathers

Beautiful Peacock Beautiful Peacock self-assured you dancing feathers seduce me with each shake. There is a strength in your sway that captivates my senses. Beautiful Peacock, the refraction of iridescent colors enchants my eyes As a beautiful sunrise on a late summer morning. Beautiful Peacock, your confidence alludes to me, your strength entranced me. Summonsed by your elegance and beauty, […]

She Fired The Moon

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 ~NKJV Can you imagine the power we would walk in if we truly believed that the God of the universe is in us and is greater than the problems of this world? What […]