Mom your Perfect

One morning I decided to videotape myself doing abdominal exercises. I stood in front of my phone and lifted my shirt, exposing my overstretched stomach. The disgust on my face must have been evident while I contracted my core and muscles and released. I continued to tape to see how long I could hold each contraction. When my son says […]


“Don’t love sleep, or you will become poor;open your eyes, and you’ll have enough to eat.” (Proverbs 20:13 CSB) We all have been given the gift of time, a chance to make something great of ourselves. To impact and influence the lives of people around us. Yet many of us want to complain, “we don’t have time.” Time is short; it […]

She’s Not Perfect

She’s not perfect. She will fall, fail, cry, and get frustrated. She’s not perfect. She will make mistakes and doubt her abilities. She’s not perfect. Though she seems to have it all together. She’s not perfect. So stop comparing your life to hers. The difference between failing and failure is that when we fail at something, we try and did […]

Present over Busy

 “My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,” – James 1:19 (CSB) I will be the first to admit it is super hard to listen and not shout or get angry when you are on the phone, and the kids start fighting or asking you fifty questions. The […]

Be Kind

Being a wife and a mom has its challenges, but the truth is we are our own worst enemy. We have set a “perfect mom” bar of expectation that is impossible to attain. How many of us have ever said this at the end of a long and frustrating day? “Ugh, I failed again… it was takeout for dinner again […]