Train Feathers

Beautiful Peacock Beautiful Peacock self-assured you dancing feathers seduce me with each shake. There is a strength in your sway that captivates my senses. Beautiful Peacock, the refraction of iridescent colors enchants my eyes As a beautiful sunrise on a late summer morning. Beautiful Peacock, your confidence alludes to me, your strength entranced me. Summonsed by your elegance and beauty, […]

Happy House

After a long day of caring for other people’s kids, my kid’s in online schooling, juggling house chores, and trying to execute my “to-do” list. I was a bit of a dragon.   COFFEE.  I needed a VENTI hot latte with an extra shot of espresso and a dash of cinnamon. Something to relax my nerves and warm my soul.  Naturally, […]

Coffee Mom

Coffee. Or, as my kids refer to it, mommy fuel.  It is how I start every morning, and without it, one may not want to talk to me.  No, it’s not a magic elixir that guarantees a perfectly executed day. But there’s something about inhaling the aromatics of the coffee as it percolates that has me anticipating the first sip.  […]