Health & Well Being
Let’s Be Real

Let’s Be Real

Barrier #2

Welcome back, ladies. 

Last week we talked about breaking the barrier of time.  Time is a constant problem we all face; there is always something to do and never enough time.  Well, after last week, you should have discovered you’re why, set days and times for physical activities, and protect that time with your “NO.” Learning not to sacrifice the only time we make for ourselves will be vital in breaking the first barrier.  Time management will be an ongoing battle, but trust me, it gets easier.

So here we are at barrier number two, unrealistic goals.

How many of us set out on a significant weight loss journey, set big goals (I want to lose 5lbs a week), went to extremes like starving ourselves, and failed after two weeks?

Or we set goals to improve our physical activity.  Invest in a gym membership or equipment for our home “promise ourselves” we will use it every day for at least an hour. Only to start strong, and after a couple of weeks, it comes to a crashing stop.  Our gym membership is barely used, or home equipment is collecting dust. 

You’re not the only one that has been there. We all have.  We have good intentions, think we should handle the workload, have the motivation to get it done, set the goal, but something happens.  Our motivation dies, and we are left feeling stuck, like we failed again. That is what the crazy cycle of unrealistic goals does. It causes shame and defeat.

The good news, we did not fail; we just overshot our goals. Setting a successful plan is key to results.

What does that look like, you ask?

It starts by looking inward at where we are in life—accepting our limits and learning to get around them.  Remember, this is your goal.  So, what works for your friends or people you follow on social media may not work for you.  Keyword YOUR goals = YOUR lifestyle. 

So take the time to set smaller goals that fit into your current lifestyle.  As you meet those goals (and you will), the goals will change, and you’ll begin to see progress. The key is creating something that you have no problems adhering to.  Make it part of your lifestyle, not another thing to check off your to-do list.

I hope this was helpful.

If you want to talk about goal setting and need help setting goals you can adhere to, I would love to hear from you.