#selfcare – IN/EX Women https://exhalepeace.org Let God meet you in the chaos Wed, 22 Jun 2022 16:40:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://exhalepeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/cropped-JulieinexlogoPURPLE-32x32.png #selfcare – IN/EX Women https://exhalepeace.org 32 32 Time https://exhalepeace.org/time/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=time Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:38:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1569

“Don’t love sleep, or you will become poor;
open your eyes, and you’ll have enough to eat.”
 (Proverbs 20:13 CSB)

We all have been given the gift of time, a chance to make something great of ourselves. To impact and influence the lives of people around us. Yet many of us want to complain, “we don’t have time.”

Time is short; it does not stand still or wait for anyone. It is fluid, always moving, and quickly filled with obstacles, opportunities, and obligations. It is up to us to navigate these things and execute them without excuses.

You want to lose weight but “don’t have time” to exercise. Make the time.

You want to spend more time with the children, but your to-do list never ends. Put it down; make the time. (they are only around for a season)

You want to start a business, write a book, or return to school. Make the time.

Again, time is fluid. You can fill it with the things most important to you and say NO to the things distracting you from your purpose. The outcomes are your responsibility, so take ownership and manage your time.

I don’t have time to sit on the couch and watch TV. I have to move so I can lose 10lbs.

I don’t care how tired I am; I will watch a movie or play a game with the kids; these chores can wait until they go to bed.

I may not be able to attend school full time right now, but I can make room for one class.

Nothing happens by accident. No one achieves goals by hoping for more time and schedules to clear. So if there is something you want, and it’s driving you. If you feel it is part of your purpose or evolution of growth, you must make the time.

Wake up e little earlier, go to bed a little later, and manage the time you were given. Say no to the things that pull away from your goals and focus on what is most important.

Never use time as an excuse to stay complacent. Complacency never breeds greatness, only weakness. Complacency is the difference between settling in life or achieving excellence. We were all given the same amount of time. The question is, what are you doing with the life you were given?

Recharge https://exhalepeace.org/trust-in-all-season/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=trust-in-all-season Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:00:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1469

Girls (moms) wanna have fun!

YES, it is ok for us to have fun, to schedule time away from the kids, house, husband, and chores once in a while. 

Time to regroup and recharge is desperately needed yet often overlooked. Getting away from the endless demands of motherhood, even for just two hours, can make us feel like a whole new person.

Here are some things I enjoy doing for a quick, inexpensive recharge.

  • Walk the trails by the waterfall with a camera.
  • Get a cup of coffee with a friend and look at books
  • Paint Night at a friend’s house or craft place
  • Pedi
  • Sit somewhere quiet and read or write. (bookstore, coffee shop, or lake)

Here are things to do for a well-needed rest & recharge. (If you have coverage for kids & budget allows)

  • Women retreat (recharge with Godly women)
  • Book an Evening or weekend somewhere new alone or with a girlfriend and explore. Take pictures, shop, pamper yourself, and enjoy the change. (the kids will be ok)
  • Concert with friends. Laughter is medicine for the soul. There is nothing like dinner and a show with good friends.

The bottom line is no matter how small the break is, take it. Give yourself the time to refocus and breathe. Your family will appreciate the renewed you. You won’t regret it.

Be Kind https://exhalepeace.org/be-kind/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=be-kind Mon, 07 Feb 2022 14:52:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1456

Being a wife and a mom has its challenges, but the truth is we are our own worst enemy. We have set a “perfect mom” bar of expectation that is impossible to attain.

How many of us have ever said this at the end of a long and frustrating day?

“Ugh, I failed again… it was takeout for dinner again because I have no time to cook, I lost my temper with my kids, took my frustration out on my husband, barely had the energy to help my friends or family; why can’t I be better?”

I am so guilty of this at times. But where does the desire to be “better mothers” come from? Are we comparing our lives to someone else’s that appears better in public? Are we comparing ourselves to the pains of our past, hoping we don’t make the same mistakes our parents had that caused us pain? Either way, we need to remember we are not perfect. We will fall short, but what we do in those moments matters. If we want to fall short less, we need to remember that love is kind. 

This week’s challenge is to love ourselves as much as we love others. Take the time to rejuvenate and refresh. Go to the gym, out for coffee, paint night, or read in peace. Whatever recharges your battery, carve out the time to do it consistently. This way, you are a little less short because you have filled your cup. Now you will have the energy and mental capacity to pour into others.

Being kind to yourself is not neglecting your children but showing them that you love them enough to give them your best, which means mommy needs to fuel herself to prevent mommy burnout.

Also, remember we are not perfect and will have days where our family gets our ugly side. Yup, you will lose your cool and fall short. But how you handle it matters. This February, remember Love is KIND. Own your shortcomings, ask for forgiveness, & let it go. Take a moment to hold them close, tell them you love them, and breathe.

Remove the “perfect mom” bar of expectation and set the bar of grace. It’s not easy to be kind to ourselves, but we can show our families the different dimensions of love with a bit of practice.

Love Challenge https://exhalepeace.org/love-challenge/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=love-challenge Wed, 02 Feb 2022 14:46:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1447

Hello, Mamas,

 Welcome to February, the month of Love.

With valentine’s day fast approaching, so many people are trying to plan something special to show their loved ones how much they mean. From a box of chocolates and stuffed animals to flowers and romantic dinner, there are many ways to show or receive this gift of Love. 

Although Valentine’s day is a beautiful sentiment, it has never been one of my favorite holidays. When my husband and I were dating, we discussed marriage often. One evening we saw a show where a man had proposed to a woman on Valentine’s Day. I looked at Matt and said, “Don’t ever do that to me.”

He looked at me surprised and said, “why not? I thought it was romantic.”

In disbelief, I said, “proposing on a holiday is a cop-out. A man shouldn’t need a holiday to ask a woman to be his wife. If you ever purpose to me, it should be because you gave it a good amount of thought without a holiday attached.”

Matt proposed a week later, February 13th. Honestly, I was shocked, and after I accepted the proposal, he said, “it was not on Valentine’s Day.

Even though that was so long ago, I still feel the same. I don’t think there is anything wrong with celebrating our loved ones and showing love for them. However, I do feel like we give this holiday too much weight. We should be taking time for each other regularly throughout the year, not just on a particular day.

This month, as we continue to give love to others, I challenge you to take the time to love yourself. Yup, I said it. It’s time to learn to love ourselves and all our imperfections. When we fill our cup, it’s easier to pour our love into those around us. 

Let’s Be Real https://exhalepeace.org/lets-be-real/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lets-be-real Fri, 08 Oct 2021 08:30:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1273 Barrier #2

Welcome back, ladies. 

Last week we talked about breaking the barrier of time.  Time is a constant problem we all face; there is always something to do and never enough time.  Well, after last week, you should have discovered you’re why, set days and times for physical activities, and protect that time with your “NO.” Learning not to sacrifice the only time we make for ourselves will be vital in breaking the first barrier.  Time management will be an ongoing battle, but trust me, it gets easier.

So here we are at barrier number two, unrealistic goals.

How many of us set out on a significant weight loss journey, set big goals (I want to lose 5lbs a week), went to extremes like starving ourselves, and failed after two weeks?

Or we set goals to improve our physical activity.  Invest in a gym membership or equipment for our home “promise ourselves” we will use it every day for at least an hour. Only to start strong, and after a couple of weeks, it comes to a crashing stop.  Our gym membership is barely used, or home equipment is collecting dust. 

You’re not the only one that has been there. We all have.  We have good intentions, think we should handle the workload, have the motivation to get it done, set the goal, but something happens.  Our motivation dies, and we are left feeling stuck, like we failed again. That is what the crazy cycle of unrealistic goals does. It causes shame and defeat.

The good news, we did not fail; we just overshot our goals. Setting a successful plan is key to results.

What does that look like, you ask?

It starts by looking inward at where we are in life—accepting our limits and learning to get around them.  Remember, this is your goal.  So, what works for your friends or people you follow on social media may not work for you.  Keyword YOUR goals = YOUR lifestyle. 

So take the time to set smaller goals that fit into your current lifestyle.  As you meet those goals (and you will), the goals will change, and you’ll begin to see progress. The key is creating something that you have no problems adhering to.  Make it part of your lifestyle, not another thing to check off your to-do list.

I hope this was helpful.

If you want to talk about goal setting and need help setting goals you can adhere to, I would love to hear from you. 

Breaking Barriers https://exhalepeace.org/breaking-barriers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=breaking-barriers https://exhalepeace.org/breaking-barriers/#comments Fri, 01 Oct 2021 08:30:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1263 Week 1

Ladies, Last week, we talked about barriers we face when creating healthy lifestyle changes.

Here is a brief list of the barriers that we mentioned

  1. Time
  2. Unrealistic goals
  3. Support
  4. Convenience
  5. Ambivalence

Over the next five weeks, I will go over quick ways to break these barriers one at a time. 

Please know that each person is different and how we tackle some of these barriers may differ or be more involved. If you feel like you may need a little more guidance, I am happy to provide you with one-on-one coaching.  Coaching packages will help you get the ball rolling with a little more support and accountability.

Let’s get to it, ladies!

Barrier one: Time

So, you decided you want to make some changes in your health.  Whether that’s losing weight, staying active, gaining flexibility, or mobility, everyone has a goal we are striving to achieve.  The question is how we accomplish that goal while facing demanding jobs, children, the demands of a spouse or elderly parents, sports commitments (for the children), school, ministry, and a million other things that pull from our time. 

The saying “we all have the same 24 hours in a day” used to frustrate me because although it was true, I always knew of some who made executing life look like a leisure walk in a park.  It made me wonder what I was doing wrong (the answer is nothing). These people maximize their schedule and capacity leaving not much room for error or change. So I tried that way of life, and it proved to be toxic for me. It was leading to a life of imbalance and stress.

Don’t get me wrong; I am a highly organized, run a calendar type of person.  However, keeping peace in my home has been a vital part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

So how do we take the health goal we have set for ourselves and make it a reality in the face of life’s demands?

Know you’re why.  Why did you choose that goal? What does it mean to you? Once you have established its importance in your life, you can create a schedule (yes, a schedule). How many days a week are you willing to commit to this goal. How much time do you have to invest? An hour, a half-hour each day you scheduled to go to the gym or fitness center?  Once you figure out a schedule that could work well with your lifestyle, it’s time to commit to it.

Without a commitment, change won’t happen. Without a commitment, you will never have the time to make the changes because something else will always fill that space. When you say yes to something, you say no to something else.  Make your commitment the yes in your life.  Carve out that time for you and stick to your plan; you are worth it.

I hope you found this helpful. I would love to hear from you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

See you next Friday for breaking barrier two unrealistic goals.

https://exhalepeace.org/breaking-barriers/feed/ 5
Dear Mom https://exhalepeace.org/dear-mom/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dear-mom Sat, 20 Mar 2021 13:18:07 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1222 Dear mom,

Yes, you have dishes in your sink

And piles of laundry to be folded.

Dear mom, 

Yes, the kids are unruly

And yes, very demanding

Dear mom,

The phone doesn’t stop ringing 

And needs are endless

Dear mom,

Supper may be late

Your to-do list may not be done. But you haven’t failed

It will all be there when you get back.  

Shut the door to the mess and chaos.

Walk away. Take a breath and some time for yourself. 

Go for a run or work out. Hide in your room with a book or music. Take a walk or soak in the tub.

Dear mom,

Your well-being is just as important as everything else you “have” to do.  So, remember to take care of yourself because no one else will.
