resolutions – IN/EX Women Let God meet you in the chaos Sun, 14 Mar 2021 21:13:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 resolutions – IN/EX Women 32 32 Resolve Fri, 08 Jan 2021 18:51:50 +0000 Looking back on 2020 getting ready to enter a new year, I swore I would do things differently. 

This year was a tough year on lots of people emotionally, physically, financially.  It has tried us in ways we don’t care to be tried again. It’s time to move on and many are looking forward to the new year to do just that.

Instead of looking forward I decided to look back.  The new year is not going to magically fix the troubles of the world but I wanted to see how I could make my new year better than the one I just walked. 

My resolution was to change my thinking. Our attitude and how we respond to what is happening around us is half our battle.  It affects our drive, can hinder or propel our motivation, it can sink us into a depression or give us the fuel we need to launch into our next mission.

Resolutions placed on things or circumstances don’t seem to last.  Maybe that’s because circumstances change, life changes, and so does our moods, and attitude. Leaving us emotionally unstable.

Since it’s Fit Friday let’s talk about health goals. At the start of January gyms become packed for about 8 weeks. Filled with all the people who swear on making a lifestyle change…and have great intentions but then they slowly fade.  Healthy eating habits are on the top of the list and slowly die like our dream to fit into those cute jeans. It’s so much easier to grab and go then it is to meal prep and plan.  But truth is nothing we want in life happens by accident. It all takes hard work and commitment.

If we played sports in our younger years, we did not make the team by accident.  We prepared, we trained, and we maintained.  Our persistence got us there but our commitment to our love of the sport and team kept us there.  If we had a job opportunity, we worked our tail off for.  Our persistence got us there, but our commitment kept us there. 

What I am saying is resolve to focus on your commitment to a healthier mind set.  Our physical bodies will only go as far as our mental state allows us to go.
