Cats Play

After being married for 15 years, my husband and I took our first-weekend getaway alone! It was the most fantastic time we have ever had. We laughed, explored, loved, and learned new things about each other. It was a time of reconnecting and well needed. That weekend showed us how much we had neglected ourselves as a couple without intention. […]

Trust in All Season

Grieving is a painful and personal process. It is not like baking a cake; there is no time frame in which to expect your “done” and “over it” (regardless of what well-intended friends may think or say.) The day my father passed, something inside me snapped. All colors faded from my life. The breath from my lungs had vanished, and […]

Love Challenge

Hello, Mamas,  Welcome to February, the month of Love. With valentine’s day fast approaching, so many people are trying to plan something special to show their loved ones how much they mean. From a box of chocolates and stuffed animals to flowers and romantic dinner, there are many ways to show or receive this gift of Love.  Although Valentine’s day […]


“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” ~Isa 40:31 This scripture has been a song in my heart for a few months now. The thing that has stuck out to me is the word wait. […]


 I never really thought much about the role of a teacher until I would help grade papers or enter grades. However, over the last two years, I have watched as the “role” of a teacher grow in responsibilities and expectations as we walk through the ever-changing challenges of a worldwide pandemic. The Bible has established the standard for a good […]