
My son, Ethan, is at the stage of his life where he is trying to find his way.  He is trying to figure out what he can do in life to give him great purpose and value. He used to want to be a missionary, but has since decided that he wants to be a Navy Seal.   Yea, big difference. Now […]


Ability Is what your capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” ~Lou Holtz A journey to a healthier lifestyle does not have to be painful or extreme. Understand your ability, know what your motivation is, and get your attitude about your self in check. A negative outlook leads to negative results. So […]


When I was a new Christian, I wanted to serve God in any way I could, and I did. I served in hospitality, nursery, Sunday school, and youth groups. Within two years, I was overwhelmed by all the demands. Exhausted and discouraged, I stopped serving and going to church.  After a year of avoiding every church building and watching my […]


Looking back on 2020 getting ready to enter a new year, I swore I would do things differently.  This year was a tough year on lots of people emotionally, physically, financially.  It has tried us in ways we don’t care to be tried again. It’s time to move on and many are looking forward to the new year to do […]