#mindset – IN/EX Women https://exhalepeace.org Let God meet you in the chaos Sun, 14 Mar 2021 22:16:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://exhalepeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/cropped-JulieinexlogoPURPLE-32x32.png #mindset – IN/EX Women https://exhalepeace.org 32 32 Not Sorry https://exhalepeace.org/not-sorry/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=not-sorry Wed, 03 Mar 2021 10:00:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1133 I came to a point in life where I had enough of people-pleasing. As much as I love others and want to help and make people happy, I had to accept that not everyone would be satisfied with or even like me.  That was probably the hardest pill for me to swallow since I had been a people pleaser most of my life.  I learned that living to please others meant I was untrue to myself and therefore unhappy. Only I could fix that, and so I did.

One of the most liberating feelings in life is when you come to a place where you no longer need the affirmation or approval of a man. When I decided to stop people-pleasing, and to seeking others’ approval, I started becoming more confident in who I was and who God created me to be. 

To move past the place of needing others to approve us, we need to know who we are and who God created us to be.  Once we are grounded in that truth, we no longer require man’s approval because we have the love and promises of God.

For those who struggle with pleasing others, it will be a long journey, one that may take many reminders along the way. But the self-discovery during that time is worth it. I am not sorry I made that journey, and you won’t be either.

MOVE https://exhalepeace.org/move/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=move Fri, 26 Feb 2021 09:00:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1099 Ability

Is what your capable of doing.


determines what you do.


determines how well you do it.” ~Lou Holtz

A journey to a healthier lifestyle does not have to be painful or extreme. Understand your ability, know what your motivation is, and get your attitude about your self in check. A negative outlook leads to negative results. So love yourself in the process and remember small changes are still changes.

Eager https://exhalepeace.org/eager/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=eager Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:00:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1106 When I was a new Christian, I wanted to serve God in any way I could, and I did. I served in hospitality, nursery, Sunday school, and youth groups. Within two years, I was overwhelmed by all the demands. Exhausted and discouraged, I stopped serving and going to church.  After a year of avoiding every church building and watching my life unravel, I started looking for a church to call home.

When I finally found the place, I was eager to serve again and jumped in with both feet.  Once again, serving on the media team, hospitality, kids ministry, and so much more.  There was not a Sunday that I was not busy at church.  I loved serving and being at the church and 

I wanted my kids to share in that passion, so I lead by example.  After a year or so, I was hired on staff and continued to juggle all the balls. 

“I can do this I will do this. I am working for God, what an honor.”  There was a fulfillment that only comes from knowing you are doing kingdom work, and nothing compares to that joy and satisfaction.

But soon, the honeymoon phase was over, and my slow fade started.  Within five years, the very thing I loved more than life was the same thing that was tearing apart my family and sent me spiraling down into a deep depression.

I was a prisoner to ministry serving man and no longer God.  Something had to change; I was functioning but miserable. 

I decided to step down from all ministry obligations and resigned from my job.  I went on hiatus for a full three years to find myself and discover God all over again. I needed to know where I went wrong and why he allowed my family to suffer at the hand of ministry. 

Here is what I discovered.

“Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the whole earth.

He never becomes faint or weary;

there is no limit to his understanding.

He gives strength to the faint

and strengthens the powerless.

Youths may become faint and weary,

and young men stumble and fall,

 but those who trust in the Lord

will renew their strength;

they will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not become weary,

they will walk and not faint.” ~Isaiah 40:28-31

The great revelation for me was “just because I can does not mean I should” I am not God.  I don’t have all the power and all the strength.  I will get weary if I am running myself into the ground trying to stay busy for God instead of serving when or where the Lord had placed me.  I wanted to prove so badly that I loved to help and was reliable that I forgot to love and serve my family in the process.  I stopped trusting in the Lord and started depending on my skill and strengths then wondered why I burnt out.

It was then I resolved to set boundaries and learn balance.  I never want to lose sight of the order of things again God, Family, Ministry.  We serve God thru ministry but should never sacrifice ourselves or our family on the altar of ministry.

I wish I had understood that back then.  Then maybe the warning signs that I was in danger of burnout would have been clear, saving my family and me many heartaches.

 Here is how it happened for me and in the exact order.

1. Drive: I am a very driven person; I like to get things done, and I want them done to an excellent standard.  If I saw a ball drop, by nature, I would pick it up and run with it, no questions.

2. Motivation: I wanted to serve God full time and do great things for the kingdom, not just be a “glorified secretary,” so I did everything that came my way to prove my worth in hopes of being able to switch positions. (not a good motive, and I did not even realize that until it was too late)

3. Drained: Coming to the office was a chore.  I felt utterly drained and could not wait to go home. The day had not even started.

4. Short Fuse: Being in ministry is a team sport.  Your part of a team and the whole team needs to be on the same page to function correctly.  I found myself getting critical with my teammates, annoyed with my leadership, and short with volunteers.

5. Apathetic: I turned off all emotion and felt nothing. I started going thru the motions to get things done and check the box but was numb to why I was serving or even working at the church.  Depression began to take over, and I refused to admit it.

6. Self-medicate: Food became my drug of choice. Eating my emotions, I gained almost 90lb’s, causing me to hate myself more.

7. No Rest: time off and vacations gave me no rest; it was like I never had time off.

8. Isolation: I started to withdraw from friends, leadership, and people.  I just wanted to be left alone “people sucked the life out of me.”

9. Resentful: Felt lack of appreciation and value; therefore, was resentful and critical of leadership and their decisions.  I was no longer running the race with them; I was slowing them down

10. DONE: I was 100% done.  Let go of everything and walked away in defeat and overwhelming depression.

If you fall in too more than one of those ten categories and find yourself fighting daily to do what you once felt called to or what brought you joy.

It’s time to take a step back.  Look in and ask yourself, WHY am I doing all I am doing. Can I release somethings? Is this my calling, or am I doing it because I can (skillset)?

Then instead of isolating, contact your pastor and have a sit-down.  Allow them to speak to your dry bones and help you reconnect with God during your business. Their job is to lead you.  Allow them to do that.

Then run to your father’s arms with complete trust and allow him to fill you up.

 “but those who trust in the Lord

will renew their strength;

they will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not become weary,

they will walk and not faint.” ~Isaiah 40:31

If you trust in God and his direction for your life, you may have seasons of exhaustion, but he WILL renew your strength. Don’t let Ministry Burnout take you out. Find the balance, set the boundaries, and remember your serving God, not man. God, family, ministry.

Renew Your Mind https://exhalepeace.org/renew-your-mind/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=renew-your-mind Wed, 03 Feb 2021 08:00:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1061 I use to journal when I was a teenager. When I was in college, our English teacher would start every class with a 5 min writing prompt.

It was a time to clear distraction and focus on the one thing he prompted us to write. We could write whatever came to our heads, and I loved it. It was my favorite part of the class, and I still enjoy that exercise.

So today I want to Give you a writing challenge.

You have 5 minutes to write… The word is GRATITUDE. What does it mean to you? Or what are you grateful for and why. Ready…GO!

Please feel free to share what you wrote. Happy writting.

Happy https://exhalepeace.org/happy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=happy Fri, 15 Jan 2021 09:00:00 +0000 https://exhalepeace.org/?p=1005 Being just under 300lbs I spent to many of my years too big to roller-skate, ice skate, or even run without getting injured. Things I once loved doing and had taken for granted where impossible to do.

Today I am proud to say I can do just about anything my children can do and I love it. I will say I get comments for my “extreme” work out habits. But honestly, I don’t mind because the hard work I put in to regain my health and ability to move again was worth it.  It has given me the ability to join my kids in activities instead of growing old “watching” the boys do the things we love doing.

However, something I learned through my fitness journey is that happiness was not found in how much weight I could lift, how fast I could run, or how many PR’s (personal records) I could break.  It was not in my weight loss goals achieved or how I could keep up with the kids.  At the end of the day not even any of those things were enough. I would still stare in the mirror and be unhappy. 

Happiness is a mindset.  Yes, it is an emotion, but it’s also a choice we make daily.  I strongly believe in order to be a well-rounded healthy person we need to work on our mental health as much as our physical health.

Voltaire stated, “I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health.”

He was definitely on to something.  Choosing to be happy helps us to be all around healthier women. It lowers our stress, allows us to have peace of mind, lessens our anxiety, and gives us more rest. We are able to think clearly and see things positively. Therefore, we feel better and stronger emotionally and physically.

Remember being healthy is not just a physical accomplishment but also a mental attitude.  It is what we think and speak over ourselves just as much as it is what our physical bodies are capable of.  The bible states:

 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
-Proverbs 18:21 CSB

Let’s be the women that choose to eat positive fruit staying away from the bad that will eventually poison our hearts and perspective. After all what goes in must come out.  So, let’s keep our thoughts positive and aim for happiness as a mindset.
