Not Sorry

I came to a point in life where I had enough of people-pleasing. As much as I love others and want to help and make people happy, I had to accept that not everyone would be satisfied with or even like me.  That was probably the hardest pill for me to swallow since I had been a people pleaser most of […]


Ability Is what your capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” ~Lou Holtz A journey to a healthier lifestyle does not have to be painful or extreme. Understand your ability, know what your motivation is, and get your attitude about your self in check. A negative outlook leads to negative results. So […]


When I was a new Christian, I wanted to serve God in any way I could, and I did. I served in hospitality, nursery, Sunday school, and youth groups. Within two years, I was overwhelmed by all the demands. Exhausted and discouraged, I stopped serving and going to church.  After a year of avoiding every church building and watching my […]

Renew Your Mind

I use to journal when I was a teenager. When I was in college, our English teacher would start every class with a 5 min writing prompt. It was a time to clear distraction and focus on the one thing he prompted us to write. We could write whatever came to our heads, and I loved it. It was my […]


Being just under 300lbs I spent to many of my years too big to roller-skate, ice skate, or even run without getting injured. Things I once loved doing and had taken for granted where impossible to do. Today I am proud to say I can do just about anything my children can do and I love it. I will say […]