Little Warrior

My boys are huge Anime fans.  Their favorite show to watch is Dragon Ball Z (DBZ).  Their love for DBZ is serious.  They have custom artwork on the wall, posters, collector statues, action figures; they even have clothing and costumes of their favorite character. My 10-year-old Spencer got into DBZ when he was seven and wanted to grow his hair […]


In a culture where everyone is striving to be the best, correction is misunderstood and unwelcome.  Whether it’s us as adults or our children, when put in a place of discipline, we tend to take offense to it instead of embracing it. The scripture says.  “No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it yields the […]

Know Your Worth

I wish I could say I always loved myself.  But truth is I lived a lie.   My high school years, I spent most of my time living in the dark shadows of comparison. Always comparing myself to other cheerleaders on our squad or worse…My own sister. I tried every diet fad in hopes of attaining the perfect body image yet […]

Happy House

After a long day of caring for other people’s kids, my kid’s in online schooling, juggling house chores, and trying to execute my “to-do” list. I was a bit of a dragon.   COFFEE.  I needed a VENTI hot latte with an extra shot of espresso and a dash of cinnamon. Something to relax my nerves and warm my soul.  Naturally, […]

Coffee Mom

Coffee. Or, as my kids refer to it, mommy fuel.  It is how I start every morning, and without it, one may not want to talk to me.  No, it’s not a magic elixir that guarantees a perfectly executed day. But there’s something about inhaling the aromatics of the coffee as it percolates that has me anticipating the first sip.  […]