
They hid when called because they were naked. Gen 2:25 The woman with the issue of blood thought, “if I could touch his robe.” Mark 5:28 These two stories have one thing in common. Both hid from the Lord in shame. One naked and the other unclean. Shame can be triggered by failure or inadequacy, as well as guilt. It […]

She’s Not Perfect

She’s not perfect. She will fall, fail, cry, and get frustrated. She’s not perfect. She will make mistakes and doubt her abilities. She’s not perfect. Though she seems to have it all together. She’s not perfect. So stop comparing your life to hers. The difference between failing and failure is that when we fail at something, we try and did […]

Addiction, Sobriety, Motherhood, and Life.

Her poor choices left her broken, a slave to drugs, alcohol, and abuse. The shame written on her face gives her away as she walks threw the church door (I am not worthy). Is she not worth the time because of her past? Should she not have a second chance to live in freedom from the demons that torment her. […]

Breaking Walls

“Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “yes” mean “yes,” and your “no” mean “no,” so that you won’t fall under judgment.”- James 5:12 Have you ever heard someone complaining about their workload because they took on extra work in the office? Or maybe complain because […]


“You cannot spend the majority of your life with toxic people and expect to be happy.” ― David Goggins. Friendship should be a two-way road of giving and receiving with respect and healthy boundaries. We should be able to take correction from a friend and understand they are speaking in truth, and it’s meant to help us, not harm us. However, not […]