Present over Busy

Present over Busy

 My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,” – James 1:19 (CSB)

I will be the first to admit it is super hard to listen and not shout or get angry when you are on the phone, and the kids start fighting or asking you fifty questions. The last thing I want to do after a long day is listen to the kids bickering while playing referee when I have a few things to finish up.

Just one more text, one more call. Hold on; I must send this one last e-mail to join you. Oh, wait, the laundry needs to get folded, diner needs to be served, and kitchen cleaned. After that, I’ll sit with you.

Let’s be honest, ladies, our “to do” list is NEVER done. We are racing against the clock day in and day out, trying to be “the best mom.” We want to achieve greatness by accomplishing our goals and executing our to-do list. The problem is there is always one more thing. That list is never finished.

Welcome to motherhood. Officially the only job that is never-ending. The bible says

My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,” – James 1:19 (CSB)

I find that a challenge if we are forever busy. But, if we continue to burn the candle at both ends, we will always respond from a place of stress and frustration. We will miss what our children say to us for not being present. We will be quick with our tongue and feel bad later once they’re in bed. And more often than not, our frustrations will make us short-fused.

Yes, the demands of motherhood are great but so are the blessings; we need to choose to be present over busy to see it. The sound of laughter filling our home, an accomplished smile when they achieve something great—being there to comfort them when they are afraid or have a coffee while watching them play. 

It’s the simple things that pass us by when we choose that “one more thing,” like a little story or a random kiss. Those are moments we don’t get back. Yes, we all have a “to-do” list, but some days we need to learn to let go of the busy. Unplug, unwind and be present. Those are moments they will remember forever (and so will we)