Practical Faith


 I never really thought much about the role of a teacher until I would help grade papers or enter grades. However, over the last two years, I have watched as the “role” of a teacher grow in responsibilities and expectations as we walk through the ever-changing challenges of a worldwide pandemic. The Bible has established the standard for a good teacher. But, often, we don’t realize that it applies to ALL teachers, and this standard does not start with performance but character.

In everything, set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.” Titus 2:7

Whether you are a teacher of God’s word or a teacher of any other subject in a school, your responsibility is great and does not stop at teaching a subject.  Teachers mold minds, touch hearts and develop character.

A couple of weeks ago, I sat across from my childhood best friend at our local Barns & Noble.

With a warm late in hand, we discussed family, life, and career changes. This woman is amazing.  She is a wife, mom of two wonderful boys, high school English teacher, and pursuing her masters. Yet, she is driven, organized, never stops developing herself, and is incredible at what she does.

While discussing obstacles we face in our careers; I said

“You don’t do what you do because “you make the big bucks”; why do you do it?”

Without hesitation, she responds. “To make a difference.”

Although that is an appropriate answer, I challenged her.

“I think it goes deeper. For example, when we were in high school, which one of our teachers inspired you?”

The conversation was terrific as we walked down memory lane and identified the teachers that had the most significant impact on our lives.  These teachers created a vision, inspired greatness, taught perseverance, stood beside us and NEVER above us. In addition, these teachers showed integrity, strength, wisdom, humility and ran their room with a firm hand when needed.

They challenged us to think critically, grow in our strengths, develop our weaknesses, and no matter what happens in life, never give up the pursuit of our dreams (there is always another way).

The lessons we learned molded us into the women we are today, and we could not be more grateful for all they poured into us.

 While we sat back and admired how amazing they were, I looked at her and said.

“someday, your students will sit in a coffee shop like this and say the same about you.  You are inspiring change, not just teaching English.  You are the product of what our teachers poured into us; because of that, you will make a difference.

Our high school teachers modeled the example scripture set for us in and out of the classroom.  They did not beat us with a bible or preach to us.  They did not lecture us in God’s word or our religious preferences, even though we were in a private school.  But they instead modeled integrity and uprightness in their everyday behavior.  Their character was consistent, and they touched the lives of every student that came through those doors.

Some food for thought. If you have a child or children in school, pray for their teachers. Pray that they inspire from a place of love.  Pray that your children see integrity and strength, that their words will always uplift, encourage, and challenge their students. 

Continue to pray that each child’s life they touch would be a testimony to how God used them to make a difference and that they would not get weary in doing what is right.

Then take the time to give back by thanking them for all they pour into our children so selflessly.