Gift from God

Gift from God

Orchid growing is a hobby I fell upon by accident.  Here is the story of how I discovered one of the world’s most beautiful flower.

About six years ago I worked at our local church. It had been a long week and honestly month.  We were in a demanding season getting ready for a large event, and I had been trying to figure out how to juggle my position in the office with other ministry responsibilities I had. There just never seemed to be enough time to do what I use to enjoy and finding time with my family was impossible. Ministry and work consumed me.

The pressure was great, and I began to question if this was actually the life God asked of us if we are to serve him. 

There was very little peace in my home, my children began to resent church and God as we were always (and I mean ALWAYS) at the church.  We rarely saw family or other friends. 

One night after leaving the church and before going home I sat in the parking lot of a local grocery store.  I needed to pick up a few things to make dinner but could not bring myself to get out of the car. Tears streamed down my face I said 

“God what am I missing? I am serving you; I am helping others; I am faithful in all I do. Yet there is so much ugly that surrounds me.  My home feels like a war zone at times and I feel like I am failing in every aspect of life.  Please show me there is still something beautiful in such an ugly world.”

I grabbed what I needed from the store and as I was heading to the check-out sitting on the endcap of an isle an electric purple orchid.  There was no sign of that flower in eyes view any ware.  I was instantly captivated. I picked it up and peace washed over me. I was struck by its beauty and needed to have it. 

At the register the women asked me, “How much is this plant? Do you know what it is?” I had no clue, so I shrugged. The bagger said 

“that’s an orchid and I have no idea where it came from, I can’t find another one!”

They gave me the plant for free!!! And it sat on my desk in my office reminding me that God loved me enough to send me something beautiful.

He cares about our tears, our broken heart and his love for us is deeper than we can imagine. People would come into my office and ask where I got such a beautiful flower. My answer “a gift from God” It wasn’t until months later I discovered how costly these flowers are when I decided I want to get another one for in my home. My first orchid was and always will be a true gift from God. 

Now when I see an orchid, I see Gods goodness, his love, his beauty, and how he views me as his daughter. But we will save that for another blog.