Monday’s Thought Poisons dart frogs are pretty cool animals. I got to teach my daycare kids about them during our rainforest month, and the kids loved them. They are tiny little things about an inch big, bright, bold colors like yellow, blue, some reds, and have fantastic markings. They are so small, super cool to look at, and are strikingly […]


When I was a new Christian, I wanted to serve God in any way I could, and I did. I served in hospitality, nursery, Sunday school, and youth groups. Within two years, I was overwhelmed by all the demands. Exhausted and discouraged, I stopped serving and going to church.  After a year of avoiding every church building and watching my […]


In a culture where everyone is striving to be the best, correction is misunderstood and unwelcome.  Whether it’s us as adults or our children, when put in a place of discipline, we tend to take offense to it instead of embracing it. The scripture says.  “No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it yields the […]

Renew Your Mind

I use to journal when I was a teenager. When I was in college, our English teacher would start every class with a 5 min writing prompt. It was a time to clear distraction and focus on the one thing he prompted us to write. We could write whatever came to our heads, and I loved it. It was my […]

A Letter to A Friend

A Letter to A Friend When I was finishing my second year of ministry development, we were asked to keep a prayer journal for six months.    Seemed like a simple request. But for someone who had zero time, it felt like an impossible task.  This journal’s point was for us to have a record of where we were in life and […]