
They hid when called because they were naked. Gen 2:25 The woman with the issue of blood thought, “if I could touch his robe.” Mark 5:28 These two stories have one thing in common. Both hid from the Lord in shame. One naked and the other unclean. Shame can be triggered by failure or inadequacy, as well as guilt. It […]

Addiction, Sobriety, Motherhood, and Life.

Her poor choices left her broken, a slave to drugs, alcohol, and abuse. The shame written on her face gives her away as she walks threw the church door (I am not worthy). Is she not worth the time because of her past? Should she not have a second chance to live in freedom from the demons that torment her. […]

Breaking Walls

“Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “yes” mean “yes,” and your “no” mean “no,” so that you won’t fall under judgment.”- James 5:12 Have you ever heard someone complaining about their workload because they took on extra work in the office? Or maybe complain because […]


We can’t control the things that happen around us in life, but we can control our response to them. How we respond to situations profoundly affects our mental and spiritual health. It is the difference between sitting in depression and defeat or having hope and persevering.   It is easy to be grateful when things are going well in life, […]

I’m Fine

When I was at a local coffee shop, a coffee cup caught my eye. One side had a wincing smiley face with a bandage over its eye. The other side said, “I am Fine .” Of course, I had to have it, and I wanted to know what inspired the design. After placing my order and speaking with the man […]