Coffee Mom

Coffee. Or, as my kids refer to it, mommy fuel.  It is how I start every morning, and without it, one may not want to talk to me.  No, it’s not a magic elixir that guarantees a perfectly executed day. But there’s something about inhaling the aromatics of the coffee as it percolates that has me anticipating the first sip.  […]


Pedal The other evening, I went out to pick up dinner for the kids.  While listening to one of my favorite radio stations the host shared a question her daughter had asked. The child’s question was brilliant, so I wanted to share it. The child asked, “Mommy if you could be any part of a bicycle what would it be?” […]

Growth is Optional

Those who know me best would describe me as a bit of a “control freak”. You know…the kind of person that doesn’t release control of things they were entrusted to oversee or develop.   I thought I had gotten better as I got older…and in some areas, I have. Yet, the day to day challenges of mother hood reminds me I […]