Health & Well Being – IN/EX Women Let God meet you in the chaos Fri, 08 Jul 2022 01:22:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health & Well Being – IN/EX Women 32 32 Barrier 2: Overwhelmed Tue, 12 Jul 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Changing diet habits can be overwhelming. Trying to figure out how many calories you should be eating, what’s healthy and what’s not, and how to track it all can overwhelm anyone.

Solution– Don’t try to make too many changes to your diet at once. Instead, make small manageable changes that, if consistently applied, build new habits. Once you have mastered that, choose the next thing you wish to change. Smaller changes over time lead to more significant successes because it is easier to adhere to.

Time Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:38:00 +0000

“Don’t love sleep, or you will become poor;
open your eyes, and you’ll have enough to eat.”
 (Proverbs 20:13 CSB)

We all have been given the gift of time, a chance to make something great of ourselves. To impact and influence the lives of people around us. Yet many of us want to complain, “we don’t have time.”

Time is short; it does not stand still or wait for anyone. It is fluid, always moving, and quickly filled with obstacles, opportunities, and obligations. It is up to us to navigate these things and execute them without excuses.

You want to lose weight but “don’t have time” to exercise. Make the time.

You want to spend more time with the children, but your to-do list never ends. Put it down; make the time. (they are only around for a season)

You want to start a business, write a book, or return to school. Make the time.

Again, time is fluid. You can fill it with the things most important to you and say NO to the things distracting you from your purpose. The outcomes are your responsibility, so take ownership and manage your time.

I don’t have time to sit on the couch and watch TV. I have to move so I can lose 10lbs.

I don’t care how tired I am; I will watch a movie or play a game with the kids; these chores can wait until they go to bed.

I may not be able to attend school full time right now, but I can make room for one class.

Nothing happens by accident. No one achieves goals by hoping for more time and schedules to clear. So if there is something you want, and it’s driving you. If you feel it is part of your purpose or evolution of growth, you must make the time.

Wake up e little earlier, go to bed a little later, and manage the time you were given. Say no to the things that pull away from your goals and focus on what is most important.

Never use time as an excuse to stay complacent. Complacency never breeds greatness, only weakness. Complacency is the difference between settling in life or achieving excellence. We were all given the same amount of time. The question is, what are you doing with the life you were given?

Champion Mon, 06 Jun 2022 14:23:00 +0000

Competition brings out two types of people. Ones that are driven by ambition and the ones that make excuses. Which person are you?

With competitive sports, competition is designed for one purpose, to determine the best. To be the best, you must be willing to work. This means being willing to work harder than your opponent. So train harder, play harder and do what it takes to stay on top of your game.

When competing, you must be ready to have self-discipline—shelving the things that will hinder you from achieving your goal. You must eat healthily, sleep right, train hard, and be motivated to greatness on and off the court.

Greatness is not developed at the competition but rather in the process before you arrive. Elevation at work does not happen by accident; it happens by being intentional. By exercising the disciplines, others are not willing to exercise. Going in a little early, staying a little late, picking up the break room even when no one else is looking. And keep doing what it takes to get the job done with excellence.

To be a champion, you need to tap into your potential, Into your greatness, and stop sitting in the comforts of complacency or hiding behind the guard rails of fear.

Champions take risks. They sacrifice comfort for discipline. No to the extra fries or sugary drinks. No, to the late nights hanging out, They spend hours training and studying their opponents. They are dedicated to one goal. Prove they are a force to be reckoned with….the best.

To champion life, you need to act like a champion. Don’t talk about your goals; be about them. Don’t wait for the opportunity; take it. Don’t make excuses as to why you failed. Instead, learn from the failure and GET BACK UP; keep trying. A champion follows through; a champion never quits, a champion perseveres, and a champion doesn’t plan to win; they WIN!

Competition brings out two types of people. Ones that are driven by ambition and the ones that make excuses. Which person are you?

Toxic Tue, 17 May 2022 13:55:00 +0000

“You cannot spend the majority of your life with toxic people and expect to be happy.”  David Goggins.

Friendship should be a two-way road of giving and receiving with respect and healthy boundaries. We should be able to take correction from a friend and understand they are speaking in truth, and it’s meant to help us, not harm us.

However, not all friendships are created equal. We can also have friends that manipulate and accuse us. Take us for granted and give nothing in return except pain or frustration.Yet even in those toxic relationships, we find ourselves trying at all costs to make that friendship work.

         Why?   Is it because we hope to change their circumstances? (helping them in time of need which never ends) Is it because we feel we have no other options? Or maybe because we don’t want to let them down as others have? When a “friendship” becomes more of a burden than a blessing, it is time to move on.

Surrounding ourselves with toxic people does nothing but drain us and eventually makes us bitter. Likewise, constantly being surrounded by negativity and problems does nothing but rob our peace.

1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals” (ESV)

In other words, if we continue to surround ourselves with bad company, we will become like them. (bitter, complainers, negative, & faultfinders) We can’t expect to breathe in toxic fumes for an extended time and remain in good health. The same holds true for our mental and spiritual well-being.  

Friendships are important; they have value and are an extension of your family more often than not. So choose them wisely and release the toxic ones from your life; you owe no one anything.

S.M.A.R.T Goals Tue, 26 Apr 2022 13:36:00 +0000

We would never say, “my goal for my newborn baby is to have him/her walking before they are six months old.” But, of course, many of you would say that is unrealistic and impossible. 

However, we can often do the same thing regarding our fitness journey. We set an unrealistic goal and get discouraged when we don’t meet that goal, then give up on the journey.

Goals are a tool we use to move us forward on our journey. Setting goals should aid in our success, not failure. To do that, they should be what we call “SMART.”

Specific- Set a goal (I want to lose 10lbs) instead of “I want to lose weight.”

Measurable- you should be able to track this goal with data over time. Not just subjective. For example, weigh in every two weeks and log your results. Instead of saying, “my clothes fit bigger this week.”

Attainable- Your goal should be challenging yet achievable. Don’t undershoot that you don’t try, and don’t overshoot that it’s out of reach.

Realistic- meaning it is relevant to your life or lifestyle. If it does not fit into your current life or lifestyle, you will not adhere to the plan. For example, a single mom with two kids working 45 hours a week may not be able to get to the gym for an hour every day. 

Timely- Goals should be set within a time frame that is a challenge yet realistic. To attain them, we must track our progress with frequent check-ins, keeping accountable for our goals. 

So next time you are setting a goal for yourself, ask….Is this a SMART GOAL? And take the time to adjust them as you see fit.

Hype man Fri, 21 Jan 2022 08:00:00 +0000 Be your own hype man- Believe in yourself, even if no one else does—mindset matters. You can do whatever you set out to do with the right attitude.

Food Prep Simplified Fri, 14 Jan 2022 11:30:00 +0000 Ok, clients have asked me many times why I food prep. The answer is easy. If I fail to plan, I plan to fail. Living a healthy lifestyle is an intentional choice. We need to be willing to hold ourselves accountable for our progress. One way we do this is through food prepping.

Food prep allows you the ability to:

  • Keeps money in your pocket with less take out
  • Snack less on junk
  • You will be eating balanced meals
  • Eating correct portions
  • Keep blood levels stable, so we don’t have spikes in blood sugar.’
  • Reduce time in the kitchen cooking diner
  • And keeps us in control of our eating habits

Prepping does not need to be overwhelming or take all day. Here are some simple tips to help you stay on track.

  1. Create a diner menu for the week.
  2. Shop your menu, and a few healthy snack options (cottage cheese, PB, veggies, yogurt, fruit)
  3. Have food prep containers with different compartments; you can also get snack-sized ones.
  4. Decided if you will be saving the night before dinner as a lunch and which day

After shopping and putting away food, get to work.

  • If you plan on having a leftover dinner for lunch, I would suggest making that meal first and start portioning the lunch container
  • Then for other days, you can make a large salad for dinner. From that portion, three more food containers for lunch. (now you have salad for three days)
  • For quick protein on that salad, I purchase a rotisserie chicken. Cut the breast and remove skin and place the sliced breast on salad. 
  • You can put fruit, cottage cheese, boiled egg,  avocado, or measured out dressing in the third compartment.

Tada! Lunch for three-four days.

Here are some great tips when food prepping dinners, especially if you’re a busy working mom.

  • Prep veggies and store in a container (cuts prep time night of meal)
  • Pre-make your salad if you’re eating that during dinner. (a paper towel on top and bottom of the container will keep moister from making leaves soggy)
  • If cooking pasta, cook it over the weekend and store it in a container
  • If you have a slower cooker, use it dinner will be ready when you walk in 

Meal prep can help you on the go for breakfast and lunch; It can also shave time off our cooking for dinners. The options are endless and can be as easy as prepping scrambled eggs for breakfast to saving leftovers for lunch. The trick to successful prepping is figuring out what works best for your lifestyle and sticking to it.

So get planning and have some fun.

Ambivalence Sat, 30 Oct 2021 23:07:33 +0000 Welcome back. I hope you all had a great week.

Let’s get right to it; this week, we are going over the barrier of ambivalence.

Webster defines ambivalence as a “continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite).” Or “Uncertainty as to which approach to follow.”

I found that super interesting because I never realized how big a role ambivalence had in how we chose to change poor habits and develop better ones.

This week I was thinking a lot about this barrier. I listened to women speaking while I was out shopping, at the gym, and even at family events.  Women are unhappy with where their health has gotten but yet are stuck.

I heard things like, “I would love to work out and get back into shape, but my kids have practice.”

“I wish I could lose this weight, but I don’t want to give up my relaxing evenings.”

“The only way I will get to a gym is early in the morning…I am much too busy during the day, and I am not a morning person.”  

As I reflected on some of these statements, I realized I had said a few of them myself.  I finally broke that barrier when I decided to commit to what I wanted. It was then I was able to achieve my goals.

With commitment, there is no fluctuation because there is a reason for your decision. So why are you trying to lose weight or make lifestyle changes?

What is the real motivation that is driving you? Once you have figured that out, it’s time to commit to change. 

Everyone’s journey will look different. Some can do this alone; others need a community and some need coaching.  No matter how your journey goes, this principle applies. To succeed in what you set out to do, you need to commit to the process and create a plan.  Once you have a plan, work the plan, and you will see results. If you do not commit, it’s easy to waver back and forth and find other reasons to prevent you from what you want until you finally have had enough of where you are and take action.

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Busting Busy Fri, 22 Oct 2021 08:30:00 +0000 Happy Friday, Ladies,

These last few weeks, we have been lightly (I use the term lightly because there are many layers in each barrier that can hinder a person.), covering how to break some of the obstacles that hinder us from our health or fitness goals.

So far, we went over: time, unrealistic goals, and support. Today we will chat about Convenience.

About three years ago, I weighed almost three hundred pounds.  I remember waking up and saying, “how did I get here?”

The answer was simple.  I chose to put everyone else before myself.  I am highly driven, and I want everything I set out to do, done with excellence. So, I kept a tidy house, cared for my tribe, and made sure they had time for sports and anything else on their list. Then, I gave it to my husband, friends, & family; everyone except me.  When family encouraged me to go to the gym, my line was, “I’m too busy to get to the gym. My kids have sports; I work then have to keep the house; I need to spend quality time with the husband.” I honestly did not know where or how to “make the time”; it was too much work.

After almost hitting three hundred pounds and health issues popping up, I had no choice but to make adjustments and reclaim my health. I finally made myself a priority, and trust me, that was not easy, but I did it one step at a time, and you can too.

Living busy lives and caring for so many people around us, it becomes easy to neglect our own needs. So often exhausted and thinking of grabbing another coffee to keep us awake, we are not thinking of hopping on a treadmill or bike.

So how do we set ourselves up for success by cracking through the “busy barrier?” Start by making ourselves a priority.

Here are a few simple tips to help make getting active easier.

  1. Keep a gym bag in the car: extra clothes, an empty water bottle, and a towel.
  2. If your gym is near your house, take that root home, so it’s on the way.
  3. If you are an earlier riser and plan to work out in the morning, try setting out gym clothes out the night before.  It makes rolling out of bed and getting ready easier
  4. Find a thing you love.  It can be biking, walking, yoga, HITT, swimming, CrossFit.  The list is endless.  But if you find one thing that you love, it makes it easier to “want to do it.”
  5. Schedule 30 minutes at least three days to do that thing you love. Before you know it, you will be adding time or days. The keyword is a schedule.  If you do not set a time for it, something else will take your time.

Practicing these simple tips will limit our excuses for not working out.

Have a good weekend and stay moving.

Breaking Barrier 3 Fri, 15 Oct 2021 08:30:00 +0000 Have you ever asked your self “why cant he just support me and watch the kids so I can work out” or “why is it every time I am trying to eat healthy someone makes my favorite treats?” Your not alone.

For along time I had asked my self those same questions while feeling defeated when standing on the scale and not seeing results.  

When I started my weight loss journey a nutritionist said to me.  How can my husband or friends support me if I cant help myself? At first I was annoyed at her comment and then she explained.  

In order for someone to support you fully they need to have clear direction.  If you don’t have clear direction on what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them, How do you expect them to hold you accountable.”

That afternoon I went home and wrote out why I was unhappy with my self, what I wanted to change, why I wanted to change it and tried to make a plan the best way I knew how.  

I shared it with my family and close friends explaining that if they saw me straying from my plans they needed to keep me accountable.  All of a sudden I had a support system I never had.

The solution was communicating my problem, explaining my position, presenting my game plan then asking for help and accountability.  This showed my friends and family I was serious and they understood how they could help. See our friends and family want to help they just need clear direction on what that will look like for you.  

Lastly, if we feel our support failed us.   That does not give us permission to fail our selves.  We have chosen to trade the unhealthy habits for healthy ones.   So we need to commit to the process regardless of who is cheering us on. We need to chose perseverance and keep going no matter how hard it gets.  

So, stay focused, stay committed, and stay connected.

See you next week

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