
Girls (moms) wanna have fun! YES, it is ok for us to have fun, to schedule time away from the kids, house, husband, and chores once in a while.  Time to regroup and recharge is desperately needed yet often overlooked. Getting away from the endless demands of motherhood, even for just two hours, can make us feel like a whole […]

I’m Fine

When I was at a local coffee shop, a coffee cup caught my eye. One side had a wincing smiley face with a bandage over its eye. The other side said, “I am Fine .” Of course, I had to have it, and I wanted to know what inspired the design. After placing my order and speaking with the man […]

Trust in All Season

Grieving is a painful and personal process. It is not like baking a cake; there is no time frame in which to expect your “done” and “over it” (regardless of what well-intended friends may think or say.) The day my father passed, something inside me snapped. All colors faded from my life. The breath from my lungs had vanished, and […]

Present over Busy

 “My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,” – James 1:19 (CSB) I will be the first to admit it is super hard to listen and not shout or get angry when you are on the phone, and the kids start fighting or asking you fifty questions. The […]

Be Kind

Being a wife and a mom has its challenges, but the truth is we are our own worst enemy. We have set a “perfect mom” bar of expectation that is impossible to attain. How many of us have ever said this at the end of a long and frustrating day? “Ugh, I failed again… it was takeout for dinner again […]