IN/EX Women

IN/EX Ministries was birthed from a place of fierce faith. Empowering women to love God, love themselves, and love others in a raw and real way.

Mission: To see women embrace who they are, find their place in Ministry, and grow in their purpose and call.

Vision: To inspire and empower women as leaders.

During a women’s conference in 2009, I felt the call to Ministry. The vision I had was so strong and full of such hope it was overwhelming. Frankly, I felt inadequate for the call. However, the burden inside me was more significant.  I was unsure what “Ministry” would look like, but I knew the responsibility I felt for women grew deeper and deeper daily. 

I wanted to see women from all walks of life discover who they are, know their identity in Christ, and find their place in Ministry, so they can grow in the purpose and call God put in their life.

My vision is to inspire and empower women as leaders while closing the generational gap that divides us, so we stand as one working for the Lord.

Blog Highlights

If you are new to the site, here’s a few blogs that we think you’ll enjoy to get started:

  • Covering
    “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:6-9 ~ESV There is something to […]
  • Triggered
    It’s the Christmas season, and although it should be filled with love and laughter, it is full of turmoil, pain, or loss for many. Some of us have been wounded by a close friend or coworker. Some are suffering the loss of a loved one, while others nurse the wounds family members have bestowed upon them out of anger or […]
  • Dear Mom
    Dear mom, Yes, you have dishes in your sink And piles of laundry to be folded. Dear mom,  Yes, the kids are unruly And yes, very demanding Dear mom, The phone doesn’t stop ringing  And needs are endless Dear mom, Supper may be late Your to-do list may not be done. But you haven’t failed It will all be there […]