Health & Well Being


“You cannot spend the majority of your life with toxic people and expect to be happy.”  David Goggins.

Friendship should be a two-way road of giving and receiving with respect and healthy boundaries. We should be able to take correction from a friend and understand they are speaking in truth, and it’s meant to help us, not harm us.

However, not all friendships are created equal. We can also have friends that manipulate and accuse us. Take us for granted and give nothing in return except pain or frustration.Yet even in those toxic relationships, we find ourselves trying at all costs to make that friendship work.

         Why?   Is it because we hope to change their circumstances? (helping them in time of need which never ends) Is it because we feel we have no other options? Or maybe because we don’t want to let them down as others have? When a “friendship” becomes more of a burden than a blessing, it is time to move on.

Surrounding ourselves with toxic people does nothing but drain us and eventually makes us bitter. Likewise, constantly being surrounded by negativity and problems does nothing but rob our peace.

1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals” (ESV)

In other words, if we continue to surround ourselves with bad company, we will become like them. (bitter, complainers, negative, & faultfinders) We can’t expect to breathe in toxic fumes for an extended time and remain in good health. The same holds true for our mental and spiritual well-being.  

Friendships are important; they have value and are an extension of your family more often than not. So choose them wisely and release the toxic ones from your life; you owe no one anything.