She Fired The Moon

She Fired The Moon

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 ~NKJV

Can you imagine the power we would walk in if we truly believed that the God of the universe is in us and is greater than the problems of this world? What would it look like If we had half the resolve a child has at times?

Have you ever noticed the perseverance a child has when they are passionate about something? They refuse to give up until they have their way.  Now, of course, not everything they fight for is good for them, and it is our job to teach them safety, wisdom, reason, & patience. But we can often learn from them too.

            One afternoon I was catching up on life with a good friend.  It had been months since I closed my daycare, and I used to care for her kids.  So naturally, she had to share what her daughter was up to, and I could not wait to hear. Isla is a strong-willed, independent, beautiful little lady and full of sass.  Her mother would often joke that I could keep her for the amount of attitude the child has. 

 While we were talking, she said to me, “did I mention that Isla fired the moon?”

 I looked at her puzzled and said, “ugh, no?” she continued

 “Well, it was bedtime, and I called her to come to bed.  “Your daughter”( I know the sass is coming when she refers to her as MY daughter) ignored me, so I called her again, and she responded.”

“No thanks, mom!”

I said, “Isla, it’s time for bed. She looks at me and says

“Mom, I fired the moon” Smiles and kept playing.

I died laughing.  There was a problem, and Isla was happy to deliver a solution. Not only did she answer, but she believed that the power was within her to do such a thing. 

The image in my head was priceless. I could see one hand on her hip the other in the air waving while she looked at her mom very matter of fact to deliver the big news.   I am sure her mother did not find it as cute as I did, but I looked at her and said.  “She has leadership skills and is 100 your daughter! “  

Sometimes we need to look at life from a child’s perspective and be bold.

 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 ~NKJV

 We will face obstacles and have troubles, but they are not bigger than the God within us. Nothing can stand before us; we don’t already have the authority and power to put on notice. We just simply need to be willing to speak it out and declare it as is. 

What are the obstacles that are standing in your way? It’s time to start believing you have the authority to fire the moon and put your obstacles, challenges, and troubles on notice “because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”