Health & Well Being
Not Sorry

Not Sorry

I came to a point in life where I had enough of people-pleasing. As much as I love others and want to help and make people happy, I had to accept that not everyone would be satisfied with or even like me.  That was probably the hardest pill for me to swallow since I had been a people pleaser most of my life.  I learned that living to please others meant I was untrue to myself and therefore unhappy. Only I could fix that, and so I did.

One of the most liberating feelings in life is when you come to a place where you no longer need the affirmation or approval of a man. When I decided to stop people-pleasing, and to seeking others’ approval, I started becoming more confident in who I was and who God created me to be. 

To move past the place of needing others to approve us, we need to know who we are and who God created us to be.  Once we are grounded in that truth, we no longer require man’s approval because we have the love and promises of God.

For those who struggle with pleasing others, it will be a long journey, one that may take many reminders along the way. But the self-discovery during that time is worth it. I am not sorry I made that journey, and you won’t be either.